
Southeastern offers a diverse range of educational, vocational and technical programs. We design our programs to meet Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education requirements as well as the needs of students desiring to succeed as productive members of society.

Our offerings are divided into Academic and Vocational/Technical Programs. Use this site to learn more about our interesting, motivational and effective educational programs.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education is a program that provides supervised workplace employment opportunities and learning experiences for qualified high school students. The Co-op program is based on an agreement developed among an employer, a student, and the high school staff. All vocational education students are eligible to participate in Co-op provided they meet basic qualifications required by the school and employer (see below).

The process begins when students are recommended by their vocational education teacher as being ready to work in the trade. These “job-ready” students are matched with an employer who offers work hours in a job related to the student’s career program. Students participate in Co-op during their technical-vocational cycles.

Seniors who are enrolled in a vocational program for a minimum of 1.5 years and sometimes, eleventh grade students semester 2, are recommended by their vocational instructors to participate in the program. The decision to accept a student for Co-op is based on the student’s vocational skill level, academic grades, attendance, and conduct records. Students must have OSHA training and employability certification.


  • Students must attend their academic classes each day and must be in school if they are not participating in the Cooperative Program Placement.

  • If the job assignment is terminated for any reason, the students must immediately return to school and report directly to the High School Administrator.

  • Google classroom assignments and employer assessments must be returned to validate hours worked on the job (30 hours per cycle). These can be turned in Day 1 to the Vocational teacher or to the Vocational Administrative Assistant. The time cards must be signed by the employer.

  • Students must report their absences to their employer and the school.

Cooperative Education Objectives

The objectives of COOP are to meet the guidelines of Chapter 74 and are aligned with the Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Program. There are ten competencies:

  • Communication and Literacy: Student demonstrates the ability to speak, listen, and write to function successfully at the work site.

  • Organizing and Analyzing Information: The student gathers, organizes and evaluates the meaning of documents and information.

  • Problem Solving: The student identifies problems, understands their context and develops solutions.

  • Using Technology: The student identifies and applies appropriate technologies.

  • Completing Entire Activities: The student participates fully in a task or project from initiation to completion, using appropriate time-management skills.

  • Acting Professionally: The student meets workplace standards on attendance, punctuality, dress code, confidentiality, flexibility, and self-control.

  • Interacting with Others: The student works professionally and respectfully with a diversity of co-workers, supervisors and customers, resolving conflicts in a constructive manner.

  • Understanding Aspects of the Industry: The student understands the structure and dynamics of the entire organization, health and safety issues in the industry and the role of business with the larger community.

  • Taking Responsibility for Career and Life Choices: The student balances demands of work, school and personal life and takes responsibility for developing his or her own personal and professional growth.

  • Character: Displays loyalty, honesty, dependability, initiative, self-discipline, and self-responsibility.

Cooperative Education Eligibility

The following Cooperative Education eligibility requirements are in place:

  • Must be a least sixteen years of age

  • Must be enrolled in their vocational program for a minimum of 1.5 years

  • Must have and continue to maintain a 65 or better overall grade in academic classes

  • Student must complete OSHA Safety Training and passed the employability exam

  • Must have and continue to maintain acceptable conduct and attendance

  • Must have proof of eligibility to work – e.g. social security/work visa

  • If it is a standard practice of the employer to require a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) of all employees the student may be requested to provide this information to the employer. CORI information may not be disseminated to unauthorized persons for any purpose (M.G.L. c. 71 ¶ 38R)

Cooperative Education Placement

The process for placing students in the Cooperative Education Program is as follows:

  • Students are recommended by Technical – Vocational Instructors.

  • Students will complete an application, submit and complete all hiring requirements of the employer.

  • The Vocational Teacher makes the initial appointment with the employer to insure worksite safety per OSHA regulations.

  • Parent/guardian, vocational director, and principal will sign the permission form for the students to participate in the cooperative program. If a student has an IEP the special-ed teacher or director is expected to sign and to participate in the planning of the cooperative placement. Students training in non-traditional careers and students for whom English is a second language are encouraged to participate in the program and are supported just as any other student.

Cooperative Education Forms

Vocational Advisory Board

What are Advisory Board Committees?

Each approved Chapter 74 program must include an advisory committee for each program. The responsibility of the Program Advisory Committee consists of advising, assisting and supporting school personnel in order to improve planning, operation and the evaluation of a program area. Such advice will be based on adequate and timely information as to workforce and job development demands or job market trends, technological developments, training alternatives and other factors affecting the quality of the program.

Who Does a Committee consist of?

The committee must consist of representatives of local business and industry members related to each program, organized labor, post secondary institutions, parents and guardians, students and representatives for registered apprenticeship programs if applicable. No school committee member or other school officials or school personnel shall serve on the committee. Every effort should be made to include racial and linguistic minorities, persons with disabilities and individuals in non- traditional occupations for their gender.

What do Advisory Committees do?

Program Advisory Committees May:

  • Review Curriculum based on the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks

  • Review, evaluate, and advise on course materials

  • Advise staff on labor market trends in the industry including current and future trends

  • Advise in method of instruction/suggestions of on the job training that occurs in business/industry

  • Review data such as MCAS, Perkins Core Indicators, Enrollment, Placement, etc.

  • Assist in the development of articulation agreements with local colleges, and registered apprentice programs, provide  internships

  • Recommend new or updated equipment

  • Assist in purchasing and donating of equipment

  • Serve as or arrange for guest speakers

  • Contribute to professional development for staff

  • Help bring special projects to the school

  • Arrange for field trips and other activities

  • Inform the school of opportunities to place students in full or part time jobs or cooperative education

  • Review career guidance policies and opportunities

  • Help acquaint the community with need of career/vocational education

When do Advisory Committees Meet?

The Program Advisory Committee shall meet twice a year (October and March). All meetings begin at 6:00 PM in the Southeastern Cafeteria. Dinner or light fare will be provided for these meetings.

What are individual Roles?

The Vocational Director or her designee will provide the Program Advisory Committee with data such as current enrollment, MCAS, and Perkins Indicators for each vocational program.

The Materials Facilitator will inform the Program Advisory Committee of program data and explain if necessary; inform of curriculum changes; policy changes within the school; and type the meeting minutes. Upon completion, the minutes will be emailed to all members, and the hard copy will be returned to the Vocational Director to keep on record.

The Chairperson will be elected and or appointed by its membership and shall serve to work with the school/post secondary member to develop agendas and manage meetings. The Chairperson will also meet once annually with the District Administration and School Committee to provide feedback on the results of the Program Advisory Committee.

Program Instructors will attend Program Advisory Committees to provide answers to questions or elaboration on current teaching or school practices.

Where do I find out More about Advisory Committees?

A full copy of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Guide to Advisory Committees can be found on the Massachusetts Department of Education website

What if I want to serve on an advisory committee?

If you are a member of business, industry, organized labor, post-secondary, apprenticeship program, parent or student  and would like to serve on one of our committees, email a letter of interest to Ms. Jennifer Hall, Vocational Programs, at